09 July 2005


The Life and Times of James Rogers III passed away on July 9, 2005. It is survived by no relatives and is preceded in death by the Rogers Family Website.


28 June 2005

It really is alive...Sort of.

I am not dead. Really.

In fact, I am breathing, sleeping, and eating simultaneously.

I just got back from singing school (where I've been for the past week) and I am exhausted. Yea, even unto the point of whatever comes after exhaustion. I can't even write anything intelligent right now. Maybe later...

12 June 2005

It's alive!!!

Yes that's correct ladies and gentleman! I am 100% graduated now. All exams taken, all(most) work turned in, etc.

On a more excited note, Battlefield 2 is going to be released in 8 days! They released a demo for it sat. night, so if your computer and conscience can handle it, download it now!

Well that's it for now. Lunch time, etc. etc.

28 May 2005

Saturday, Saturday, Saturday!!! (read as a monster truck commercial)

This Saturday, at Miami Meadows, be amazed! Be awed! BE There!!!

Benjamin and James have Graduated!! WE are having a party from 11 - 3 today, so you should go.

A side note to you non-graduated types: graduation is a waste of time for the graduate. It is all for your mom. That is all.

20 May 2005

Allrighty then...I am graduating in a week or so, and hence, I am extremely busy. I will not be updating untill the second week of june. Sorry to all you countless one of my readers!

12 May 2005

Please Hold...

Hi there people who don't read this thing! I haven't posted recently (and probably will continue to not post) because I have been ridiculously busy with graduation and such. In three weeks it will all be over and high school will just be a memory...Yay!!

If I get around to it I'll post another picture today (this one was taken by God himself!)

06 May 2005

How's My Driving?

So I started carrying a camera all over the place so I could take pictures of interesting things, but the only interesting thing that has happened so far was right in front of my house! Some guy killed the company van (and a load of water I'd guess). The following sequence is really ironic:
First I walk to the front and circle the van.
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Than I notice a sign on the back of the thing:
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Survey Says: Not Good!
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But cheer up guy! It's not like you're going to be fired...is it?

05 May 2005

Picture Status: Online!

Woo-hoo!!! I finally got photo hosting with photobucket. I would recommend them a lot, but that is only because they are the only ones who offer unlimited bandwidth with no payment required.

Here is a picture I took at work:
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This a picture of one of my managers, Phil. He is cool. And goofy.

04 May 2005

Coming soon, to a monitor near you...

I have decided to make this thing into a photo blog. It won't only be pictures, but I will try to post at least one every day.

So...here is where the first one will go in a few hours:
Image hosted by Photobucket.com
Hi there. Yeah, that's me. Beautiful...*sob*

03 May 2005

Wow...that's really depressing

So I just got done reading my frind Clint's blog. I have to admit, I was actually surprised. It was way more depressing than I thought it would be. I don't know. I feel kinda bummed out now, though...anyway, we ordered some prctice swords, called shinai. The thing is, they won't be here for two and a half weeks.

I wasted most of today reading stuff on file planet (most people would call it a waste, anyway). I am really looking forward to a couple of games tat are coming out this year:
1.) Age of Empires III
2.) Fable (for computer)
3.) The Legend Of Zelda (unknown title, as of yet)
4.) Fire Emblem

There goes one paycheck...
and speaking thereof, I have to go to work in an hour. *sigh* Another day, another dollar...

30 April 2005

I'm sooo tired

Well I had a lot of fun today, but I am only running on two hours of sleep and LOTS of sugar. I'm go to bed and post tomorrow.

29 April 2005

Oh,boy. That math test was bad; no studying will do that for you. Grr...well at least I can go home now.

Friday starts the weekend

Okay, here's the game plan:

  1. I go to class now and probably fail a math test
  2. I go home and kill some time with Battlefield 1942
  3. Go to work @ 4 and leave at @ 10
  4. Go spend the night playing Halo 2 at a friends house
  5. Go see Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy at 1:00 on Saturday
  6. Go to work again, boo...

So I'm looking forward to the end of the day, but not so much the next 10 hours or so...

So It Begins...

Well, I have finaly decided to get a blog. I made this descision a few days ago, but my attempts to set one up with 1up.com were fruitless. A friend of mine also has a blog here, so I figured I'd give it a go.

Right now I am between classes at UC and just hanging out in the learning center (a library without books, rather ironic, I think). I believe I have an algebra test at noon, but I am not exactly sure. This is a bad sign, at least in regards to my ability to pass any test that I don't even know about.

This post is rather dry because I am useing it as a sort of "test" post, to get a feel for this thing. Anyway, I will try and post some more later, depending on how the day goes.

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