09 November 2009

Elizabeth the Field Commander

Picture links to a photoset on Flickr of the Finals Competition this past weekend at Kings.

09 September 2009

Yeah, its old...

- but I thought you'd enjoy it anyway. This is from the beginning of this year (2009):

07 July 2009

Been a while, huh?

So, I guess my blog has fallen by the wayside a bit since I returned to UC. For the best I suppose; engineering school requires all my attention. Here's something I threw together for my Twitter profile, a UC ROTC themed background. If you want it, and/or want it to say something else, here is the GIMP .xcf file.
Twitter Background

23 May 2009

14 May 2009

Red Bell Pepper




<24 hr old baby birds. In my front yard.

10 May 2009


Strongly Disagree

I was filling out this application with Home Depot this evening and part of the process is this big survey with a bunch of questions like this one on it. This particular one stuck me as hilarious.

Wood Shavings

Wood Shavings

These are the residue of my brother's woodworking habit.

03 May 2009

It's hard to take a picture when your nose won't stop running, and other tales.

Once upon two weeks ago, some tree species decided the time had finally come to reproduce and promptly began spewing pollen at a prodigious rate. Not wanting to out-done, thousands of other trees followed suit. As it happens, apparently I'm highly allergic to this particular tree's pollen. Consequently I've spent the past weeks with a tissue at my nose, which is continuing to run at rates that would drain a lake in short order. In a related matter, I'm also badly dehydrated, as all the water I drink seems to convert instantly to snot and then proceed to run out of my nostrils. So yeah, bad couple of weeks over all. There is a mountain of used Kleenexes surrounding my trash can in my room from me throwing 'em in that general direction at three in the morning. Blegh...stupid allergies.

/Insert snot Haiku here, when I can think straight again.

02 May 2009

What needs fixin'?

I wrote an email to Blackfive, a military-themed blog widely read by military personnel, seeking ideas for my senior design project. Hopefully we'll get some good responses back:

Went for a ride on my Blast today. Good times. Didn't even fall over once!

26 April 2009

The Departed

The Departed

థిస్ సేన్తెన్స్ ఇస్ ఇన్ తెలేగు, ఈఫ్ ఐ దిద్ తాత కర్రెక్ట్లీ అన్య్వయ్...

24 April 2009

Spring Beauty

(Claytonia virginica)
Spring Beauty

Wildflower's scent
Drifting on springtime air
A beautiful day

23 April 2009

Send Me - Army tribute

Send Me

And the latest victim of the recession is...

...me. I was laid off from my job at Midwest Connector Co. today, as the business has been struggling badly for the past few months. This is a sad thing, especially since I'm enrolled at UC at the moment, so my ability to find employment of a similar caliber and flexibility is somewhat limited.

If you want to hire me as a photographer, that would be awesome and I'm sure we can get something worked out. Leave a comment here letting me know what you have in mind (event, portrait, etc.), or send me an email: rogersj3 @ gmail.com (without the spaces, spam prevention measure).

Happy recession,

22 April 2009

UC ROTC Mil Sci 103 09S

Mil Sci 103 09S
This is the Military Science 103 Spring 2009 class, outside on Lab day preparing to get oriented on using a compass. Bu dum chsh.

20 April 2009

Springtime is Pure

Woodland Flower

Survivor? Really??

I just received this email from campus security. Usually these messages are to alert the UC community that someone got their stuff jacked or got mugged walking home, off campus, in the middle of the night - in short, for stupid and preventable things. This, however, takes the cake:

On April 14, University of Cincinnati Police received a report of an inappropriate touching incident that occurred on Friday, April 3. The survivor reports that she was sleeping in her bed when the suspect, an invited guest, inappropriately touched her several times. The police and the Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC) are working with the survivor as she decides on the next steps to take.

The University of Cincinnati's Sexual Offense Response Team (SORT) regularly informs the community...yadda, yadda, yadda.

Can one really claim to have survived being "touched several times?" Is that really a life threatening situation? Not to mitigate the justified sense of violation, but to call someone a survivor who invited another back to their domicile only to discover that 'whoops! - he's a cad with no moral compass!' is a little ridiculous.

Some Sort of Butterfly


19 April 2009

Nothing in the cry
of cicadas suggests they
are about to die

Matsuo Basho


A distracted mind
Wonders as it dozes off
What tomorrow holds

18 April 2009

13 April 2009

So I spent some more $$$ that I don't really have...

...but now I have this:
Bonus: the snazzy leather case it is in has these little magnets in the corners, so it stays closed and - consequently I hope - not scratched up.

The morning glories
bloom, securing the gate
in the old fence

- Matsuo Basho

11 April 2009

But when we looked under the rock...

it wasn't a rock! It was a rock...Flopster!
The Flopster

07 April 2009

Fragile Beauty

White Flowers

Cloudy Skies

The April snowstorm
Threw a wrench into my plans
To post every day

05 April 2009



What am I?

Something Golden

I look down on you
But I'll still help you to see
That which was hidden

Through These Streets

Through These Streets

04 April 2009

First Week of Classes

What a busy week
Already I'm struggling
To care about school

01 April 2009

New Lens Means New Perspectives

The Moon

Tufted Titmouse

Tufted Titmouse

This is a Flower - What is it's Name?

These are not tulips - i think.
Clicking the picture links to its location on Flickr

Mechanical Beauty

My Bike
Clicking the picture links to its location on Flickr

31 March 2009

Sunset and Shadow

3-30-09 Sunset
Clicking the picture links to its location on Flickr

Back in the Saddle

Monday was my first day back at the University of Cincinnati in a year. To say that my skills have grown rusty would be a vast understatement. I'm struggling to get through my Calc. II homework right now because it has been nearly 18 months since I last messed with any kind of serious, heavy-duty mathematics at all. This means I'm really going to have to work hard to keep up with, much less do well in, my Calc. class this quarter.

Before the quarter had started I told myself that there was no reason I couldn't earn straight A's this quarter. Two days in, I'm not so sure - time will tell.

edit: I have completed the aforementioned homework. Turns out that once your break those rusty gears loose, they start to turn a bit more freely. That's sure a relief, I can tell you!

30 March 2009

Daffodils at Sunset

Clicking the picture links to its location on Flickr


Clicking the picture links to its location on Flickr

29 March 2009

Miss Kitty with the Blue Eyes

Clicking the picture links to its location on Flickr

I walk a lonely road

All along this road
not a single soul – only
autumn evening comes

- Matsuo Basho

Springtime Storm

Thunder rumbling
In the distance a storm blows
Soon it will be here

28 March 2009

This is amazingly awesome.

Blue Michael

Clicking the picture links to its location on Flickr

A game-less LAN party?

What do you call a LAN party where no games are played? One guy's wife won't let him come out and play, some other guy's computer has decided to commit suicide and took his iPod with it. The other member of the crew has a functioning computer, but his video card is borked and awaiting RMA. Instead of playing games, we've spent the evening discussing five-year plans, armwrestling, and a variety of other non-21st century "fun" activities. Also, pizza.

27 March 2009


Clicking the picture links to its location on Flickr

Priscilla Rogers (aka Mom)

Clicking the picture links to its location on Flickr

$10.50 / Hour

Lubricating grease
machine oil and coolant
mingle with my blood

25 March 2009



What a dreary day.
The rain falling from the sky
like so many dreams.


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