03 May 2005

Wow...that's really depressing

So I just got done reading my frind Clint's blog. I have to admit, I was actually surprised. It was way more depressing than I thought it would be. I don't know. I feel kinda bummed out now, though...anyway, we ordered some prctice swords, called shinai. The thing is, they won't be here for two and a half weeks.

I wasted most of today reading stuff on file planet (most people would call it a waste, anyway). I am really looking forward to a couple of games tat are coming out this year:
1.) Age of Empires III
2.) Fable (for computer)
3.) The Legend Of Zelda (unknown title, as of yet)
4.) Fire Emblem

There goes one paycheck...
and speaking thereof, I have to go to work in an hour. *sigh* Another day, another dollar...

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