31 March 2009

Back in the Saddle

Monday was my first day back at the University of Cincinnati in a year. To say that my skills have grown rusty would be a vast understatement. I'm struggling to get through my Calc. II homework right now because it has been nearly 18 months since I last messed with any kind of serious, heavy-duty mathematics at all. This means I'm really going to have to work hard to keep up with, much less do well in, my Calc. class this quarter.

Before the quarter had started I told myself that there was no reason I couldn't earn straight A's this quarter. Two days in, I'm not so sure - time will tell.

edit: I have completed the aforementioned homework. Turns out that once your break those rusty gears loose, they start to turn a bit more freely. That's sure a relief, I can tell you!

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