20 April 2009

Survivor? Really??

I just received this email from campus security. Usually these messages are to alert the UC community that someone got their stuff jacked or got mugged walking home, off campus, in the middle of the night - in short, for stupid and preventable things. This, however, takes the cake:

On April 14, University of Cincinnati Police received a report of an inappropriate touching incident that occurred on Friday, April 3. The survivor reports that she was sleeping in her bed when the suspect, an invited guest, inappropriately touched her several times. The police and the Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC) are working with the survivor as she decides on the next steps to take.

The University of Cincinnati's Sexual Offense Response Team (SORT) regularly informs the community...yadda, yadda, yadda.

Can one really claim to have survived being "touched several times?" Is that really a life threatening situation? Not to mitigate the justified sense of violation, but to call someone a survivor who invited another back to their domicile only to discover that 'whoops! - he's a cad with no moral compass!' is a little ridiculous.

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