03 May 2009

It's hard to take a picture when your nose won't stop running, and other tales.

Once upon two weeks ago, some tree species decided the time had finally come to reproduce and promptly began spewing pollen at a prodigious rate. Not wanting to out-done, thousands of other trees followed suit. As it happens, apparently I'm highly allergic to this particular tree's pollen. Consequently I've spent the past weeks with a tissue at my nose, which is continuing to run at rates that would drain a lake in short order. In a related matter, I'm also badly dehydrated, as all the water I drink seems to convert instantly to snot and then proceed to run out of my nostrils. So yeah, bad couple of weeks over all. There is a mountain of used Kleenexes surrounding my trash can in my room from me throwing 'em in that general direction at three in the morning. Blegh...stupid allergies.

/Insert snot Haiku here, when I can think straight again.


Michael Deatherage said...

Haha,that's a funny read.

Lori's Light Extemporanea said...

Ah, the things we suffer for art. Or not,as the case may be.

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